Fraxel Laser skin Resurfacing Treatment

Fraxel laser therapy works by targeting aging and sun-damaged skin. The laser columns penetrate deep into your skin, expediting your body’s remodeling of collagen, and since the laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, it leaves the surrounding skin intact, which promotes very rapid healing.

Fraxel laser therapy is extremely effective on:

Surface scarring: helping to erase signs of acne scars and other blemishes
Fine lines and wrinkles: This includes brow line and crow’s feet
Pigmentation: The therapy works to diminish pigmentation such as age spots
Sun damaged skin: The treatment effectively works to improve the appearance of sun damaged skin
Actinic Keratosis: Fraxel laser therapy can treat rough, scaly skin and other symptoms of actinic keratosis for smoother and more beautiful skin.

5 Benefits of Opting For a Fraxel Laser Therapy Treatment
Fraxel laser therapy is a treatment that resurfaces your skin by stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells from the inside out and has been approved by the FDA as a treatment for wrinkles, acne/surgical scars, melasma, actinic keratoses and more.

It is becoming increasingly popular amongst patients with such concerns due to its numerous benefits, which include:

There is no surgery or injections required: Fraxel laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment. This means that no surgery or injections are required, making it a convenient treatment method.
You get great results in just one treatment. This cosmetic treatment gives patients younger-looking and brighter skin in just one single procedure.
You can get back to your normal activities. Like many minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments, Fraxel laser therapy gives outstanding results with minimal downtime. This means that you can get straight back to your daily life.
It comes with integrated cooling. This system comes with integrated cooling that makes the procedure more pleasant, easing any discomfort
Natural looking anti-aging results. If you are looking for natural looking anti-aging results, then Fraxel therapy will give you radiant skin without any overly-dramatic changes.